Embracing My Lineages' Sacred Connection to the Earth
My lineages hailing from my Western European and Jewish descent have a relationship with mysticism and paganism. Mystical practices, such as hermeticism and alchemy, drew on ancient pagan (earth honoring) traditions, which focused on the transformative power of nature and the importance of symbolic and mystical knowledge. These practices were often used to achieve spiritual transformation and union with the divine, reflecting the pagan belief in the immanence of the divine within the natural world. Another connection I have is with the Quaker tradition. My maternal grandparents were dedicated members, attended weekly meetings and requested Quaker funerals. During all meetings, silence is observed until someone is moved by the divine spirit to speak. It acknowledges that every person has a direct connection to the divine and can share it with the community.
Pogačnik, and Zolli offer additional perspectives on how Western traditions can help us honor the Earth and creation. One of these ideas is the reclamation of the sacred feminine. Pogačnik argues that Western culture has long neglected the essential aspects of the feminine principle, which represent the nurturing, creative, and life-giving forces that sustain everything. By reclaiming the sacred feminine, we can restore balance and harmony in our relationship with the Earth. Rohr similarly emphasizes the importance of revering the feminine principle, which he describes as receptive, nurturing, and inclusive. He contends that the imbalance between the masculine and feminine principles has contributed to environmental destruction and social justice issues. The concept of the sacred feminine has the potential to foster a sense of sacred belonging, as it invites us to reconnect with the Earth and acknowledge the intrinsic value of all life forms.
Another idea is the embrace of a cosmological perspective. Zolli suggests that Western traditions can aid in developing a cosmological perspective, wherein we recognize ourselves as part of a larger cosmic story. This perspective fosters a sense of awe, wonder, and reverence for the natural world, helping us understand our interconnectedness with all living beings. It also encourages a sense of responsibility for the Earth's well-being. The idea of a cosmological perspective has the potential to nourish a sense of sacred belonging by inspiring us to appreciate the beauty and complexity of the universe and our place within it. We can recognize the value of every creature and acknowledge the interconnectedness between all forms of life. The concept can motivate us to act more sustainably and responsibly, recognizing our role as stewards of the Earth. Ultimately, the embrace of the sacred feminine and a cosmological perspective can foster a deeper understanding and reverence for the Earth and its creatures, cultivating a sense of sacred belonging to the world.
Pogacnik, M. (2018, January 23). Soul of the earth: A manifesto. Kosmos Journal.
Zolli, A. (2017, May 23). Toward a contemplative ecology: A Conversation with Douglas Christie and Andrew Zolli Links to an external site.. Garrison Institute.